Rabu, 19 Februari 2020

Group 1 : Types of meaning

The meaning from some word is based on the reader thoughts.

32 komentar:

  1. Bilqisti Rakat (2223180004)
    Well, I think it depends on the speaker or writer. the meaning to be conveyed by the writer or speaker, will be understand by the reader or listener on how the writer or speaker constructs words.

  2. I agree with you. For the example, when someone hears the word "dog", some people may think dog is the adorable cute animal. But it could be that some other people consider it a rude curse. All depend on the individual and the context of the situation.

    Rimah Erpiana 4A

  3. yes i agree because everyone has different thoughts from each other depending on the situation of each person.

    Putri aulia nurulaini

  4. I agree with that statement which states that the meaning of some words is based on the reader thoughts. Because in my opinion departs from the thoughts of Ferdinand de Saussure who stated that there are seven divisions in the drive to get language, one of them is critical and means polarity. This is in line with the thought of Geoffrey Leech (1974) which states that there are at least 7 types of meanings in semantics, namely conceptual, connotative, social, affective, reflective, colocative, and thematic meanings. Therefore, the meaning of a word will differ depending on how the reader interprets the meaning of the word.

    Nisa Solihati

  5. I agree with you. Because every person has the intent and purpose of the spoken word. However the spoken word must be pronounced clearly so that the person who hear it does not misunderstand.

    Dhiya Azzalia

  6. Hello my name is Salsa Mutia and I disagree with your statement because i think the writer or the speaker also have a big role in delivering a meaning of a word. Because they are the one who made it. As you guys said in the presentation, types of meaning is divided into 7, and one of those is affective meaning. It said affective meaning refers to the speaker's feeling. So i think it is a bit wrong to say that the meaning of some word is based on the reader thought because the writer or the speaking also have a big role in deciding a meaning. Maybe if your statement is the meaning of some word is based on individual thought i will agree.

  7. I agree with your statement, because in my opinion everyone has a different concept or thought based on what they read. the amount of knowledge possessed by the reader will also make it easier for readers to be able to know the meaning of words. because in a sentence, the meanings are connected to one another, it is important for us to be able to understand the concept and increase vocabulary to find out the true meaning. Not only is the correct meaning according to the dictionary, but also the meaning that is in accordance with what the author conveys based on the context in the sentence.

    Mia Agustina

  8. I agree with your group because even the writer has his/her imagination but the reader must have it too. The interpretation, the way to imagine something is different by each person. It depends on their background, environment, experience, and personality. So, i agree with that statement.

    Yanda Nurul Islami

  9. I agree with your statement. Because this is related to our ability to interpret the meaning of the word. And in my opinion, everyone has a different interpretations and thought when they read. Based on Geoffrey Leech which divides meaning into seven types namely conceptual, connotative, social, affective, reflected, collocative, and thematic meaning. Which I can conclude that meaning can be influenced by several factors. Some of the example such as our memory of the word, our emotions when we read the word, stress and intonation when we read the word, and etc. Not only that, in my opinion it also influenced by how the author or writer construct the words that want to convey.

    Tsabita Amalia

  10. I agree with your statement. Every word does have its own meaning and all the meaning returns to what the reader thinks. And each reader with other readers will have different thoughts or different points of view. Therefore, the meaning of the reading that is read will have a different meaning.

    Bella Ayu Herawati

  11. In my opinion, everyone have different perspective to understand the meaning of words based on their own knowledge. But the role of the writers also important to deliver the meaning of words or the main point on their writing.

    Mayfa Ika Mawarni

  12. I agree that the meaning of some words is based on the reader thought, because everyone has their own understanding of something and a different point of view of something. However, I think the way of the writer or speaker conveys something is also important, so what the speaker or writer wants to convey is conveyed well to the reader or listener. So, the meaning of some words is based on the reader's thought is true, but the writer or speaker must be able to convey something well, if they want the reader has the same thoughts with them.
    (Cahyani Octavia/4A)

  13. I agree with your statement, because some words have double or ambiguous meaning. For example, if you find a word "snake" in your text or reading material; the word "snake" could be interpreted as an animal or a personality trait (evil). So, it depends on people who read it. But, don't forget that the writer or speaker also has to put the word with double or ambiguous meaning with a proper context in order to make the reader doesn't have any miss communication.

    Dwiky segara 2223180013

  14. my name is nabilah nurul a (2223180064) and in my opinion everyone has their own way to deliver the meaning of words. Based on the writer, there are 7 types of meaning that often we all feel / think. I think the author has conveyed his ideas well so I am pleased with their statements and good job sist bro

  15. I agree with this group statement, because basically everyone has different thoughts in interpreting a word or sentence, because there are several words that have multiple meanings, and it depends on everyone's knowledge in interpreting it, and as a writer must also be able to convey the contents writing correctly so that it's easy for readers to understand.

    Anisa Bela Deputri

  16. I agree with the statement because as we all know in the english dictionary that there are some words that have more than 1 meaning to it hence when we speak or say something we have to put the word in the right context. In one of the types of meaning, conceptual meaning, which is the literal meaning of the word, when we think of a word we immediately picture the image of the word in our mind. For example, cat, we immediately know that its an animal with fur and has whiskers. So the concept of the word which we recognise the meaning of the word are saved in our thoughts and memories.

    Gadis Ayu

  17. I agree with your statement. Because, according to Geoffrey Leech (1974) 7 seven types of meaning, that is "affective meaning" states the speaker feeling. The meaning that arises due to the reaction of the listener or reader to the use of words or sentences. Because everyone has different interpretations and thoughts. Depending on the individual and the context of the situation.

    Tata Regita Putri (2223180127)

  18. In my opinion some people perceive different meanings and the same meaning, from the writer or from the speaker. Because everyone has their own way to deliver the meaning of words.

    Al-fajr Bagus Andrian (223180100)

  19. I agree with this statement, because every single person has their own thought.it proves,when i tried to identfy some words i thought the meaning was "A" but actually it was "B"

  20. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  21. I agree with your group steatment, because in the seven types of meaning in semantics according to Geoffrey Leech (1974), i draw conclusion if some word is not only based on denotative meaning, is not only for dictionary. for example word " crocodile" in denotative meaning, crocodile mean the predator animal, or carnivora animal life in the river with the quiet water. but sometimes people interpreting word crocodile as the man with many girlfriend.i think everyone have different meaning to interpreting the meaning. so i agree with your steatment.

    Asep Eka Parmana

  22. I agree with the statement expressed by group one. Because every reader has a translation of their own thoughts about what they are reading. Therefore, to avoid the mistaken meaning of communication, writing needs to consider the clarity of words, and avoid ambiguous words or sentences.

    Name: Kartika Ratna Sophia
    NIM : 2223180067

  23. Well i agree with this statement, because the thoughts of a person are different, if a sentence is read by a child and a adult it will be different, their thinking will be different, because everyone's imagination will not be the same.

    (Syahla nurhaliza/4A)

  24. Based on other sources that I read the definition of meaning In semantics and pragmatics, meaning is the message conveyed by words, sentences, and symbols in a context. Also called lexical meaning or semantic meaning.
    Just want to add it because the definition of meaning from the paper I think is less specific.

    -Tia Septiawati(2223180112)

  25. I agree with this statement,because every reader has a different ability to describe and understand the meaning behind the words being read depending on the individual and the situation.


  26. I agree with your statement. In my opinion there are some words that has double meanings and the meaning itself would be translated into different meaning depend on the receiver knowledge. So, to avoid the misunderstanding between the speaker and the reciever, both of them must know what the context they are talking about.

    Nurul Hidayah

  27. i agree with the material. for example the writer said that Conceptual Meaning alludes to the word reference meaning which demonstrates the ideas. this type I often use in everyday life so I agree with the material.

    Moch Jati Lailatul Akbar

  28. I agree with the opinion that your group describes, because in some words there are words that cannot be interpreted if followed by denotativ, such as the word "stove" in Indonesian, stoves not only describe tools for cooking, but sometimes people interpret stoves as people who exaggerate the problem.

    Name: Siti Robiatul Adawiyah
    Nim : 2223180102

  29. I agree with this group opinion, because everyone has their own thoughts of what they read. therefore, the author must convey the contents of the writing clearly. so, the reader does not misinterpret what is meant by the author.

    Name : Amelia YF
    Class: 4A

  30. My name is Abiyyu and I agree with that because this material relate in real life

  31. I agree with the statement, because the reader must be have own interpretation of word but it must be relate to the context that written.

    Name : Athar Nibras
    NIM : 2223180052

  32. I learned from the material that there are many kind of meanings and there are some words that is the same but different meaning it depends on the situation.

    Name : Hanifah Ufairah
    NIM: 2223180109
